The Inner Island


This tiny world arose on the basis of a piece of music Souvenir de Porto Rico by composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk written from 1857 during a tour in Puerto Rico.

Inside the architectural space that is constantly changing with movement, accompanied by a complex musical rhythm, surrounded by illusions, the viewer becomes a part of the virtual environment.

This short film was part of TROPICALISZT co-op project in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the FRANZ LISZT Music University Weimar.

Special Mention From The Jury - SAT FEST (2024) Montreal, Canada

Excellence Award - The 12th IFSV DomeFest (2024) Tokyo, Japan

Winner - Short Contest. Centennial of the Planetarium (2023)

Nomination - #BestOfEarth (2023)

THE INNER ISLAND. FullDome preview

Full version runtime: 6:25 minutes
Audio: Stereo, 5.1
Resolution: 8192 x 8192
Frame rate: 60 fps 

©  Sergey Prokofyev, 2025